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musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
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Attention : Logo ! Secours populaire unfolds its wings at the Museum of Printing

The Museum of Printing and graphic communication will be running, from 16 November 2018 until 24 February 2019, the second in its series of exhibitions entitled “Attention:Logo!” devoted to the history of visual identities. This exhibition will relate the origins and evolution of the logo of Secours populaire française, a non-profit mutual aid organisation, created after the second world war. Active both nationally and internationally, SPF can be compared in many respects to UK-based Oxfam. Some 180 objects, posters, newspapers, brochures, letter-heads, postcards, armbands, t-shirts, badges, pins…have been lent to the Museum by the national headquarters of the organisation.

The work of a major French graphic studio

A winged hand, the colours blue, white and red of the French flag, a handwritten name: the visual identity of Secours populaire has become part of French national heritage, embodying the values of sharing, respect and care for others;
The history of SPF’s graphics really begins in the early 1980s, when the organisation turned to the collective GRAPUS to design a poster representing its international actions.

GRAPUS was born from the meeting, in May 1968, of its founders: Pierre Bernard, François Miehe and Gérard Paris-Clavel, joined (in 1975) by Jean-Paul Bachollet and (1976) by Alex Jordan. Clearly displaying the colour of a "graphic of public utility", the collective is at the height of its artistic and militant recognition when contacted by the Secours Populaire. GRAPUS proposes to the association the drawing of an airplane whose nose would be an outstretched hand.

A logo was born.

It developed into a gentle drawing, a warm hand whose upward movement evokes reciprocity. In a gesture energised by wings which add grace and magic, the hand represents the solidarity and energy which lead us to help our fellow men.

A strong, sharing emblematic image

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Every humanitarian organisation needs resources in order to carry out its programmes of help to children, families, lonely people. Logo and image provide a means of attracting attention and of promoting loyalty.

The visual identity created by GRAPUS is successful because it meets Secours populaire’s need to be widely known, using a sensitive image which reflects the vulnerability of those in need. Confident in the emotional appeal of this imaginative graphic creation, Secours populaire decided to use it in all forms of communication, making it a timeless and universal emblem. 

In 1991 Secours populaire was given the status of a major national charity and a significant publicity campaign (ten visuals) was created by Agence 154, managed by Luc Devoux, in collaboration with the Magnum agency. These visuals and their messages, presented as large posters and newspaper page-spreads, were awarded the prize of the French magazine press association.

Affiche d'exposition B205​​​​​​​

Affiche de François Fabrizzi et Martine Loyau, 1982
François Fabrizzi et Martine Loyau, 1982.
Après un passage chez Grapus, les deux graphistes s’en inspirent pour créer cette affiche rappelant que le Secours populaire, avec ses bénévoles, agit également sur les lieux de travail et d’études.


Attention : Logo ! : le Secours populaire français, par GRAPUS, 1981
From 16 November 2018 to 24 February 2019
Open Wednesday to Sunday, 10.30 am to 6 pm; open on Tuesdays for group visits

Museum of Printing and graphic communication
13 rue de la Poulaillerie 69002 Lyon

Translation : Bruce Wall


Solidarité, un logotype

​​​​​​​Le catalogue de notre exposition sur l'histoire graphique du Secours populaire français
Le deuxième ouvrage de la collection “Attention: logo!”… consacrée aux identités visuelles s’intéresse à celle du Secours populaire français.
Créé en 1945, l’association a élargi au fil du temps le domaine de ses interventions auprès de populations démunies, quelles que soient leur appartenance, leurs convictions ou la cause de leur détresse. En favorisant l’accès aux loisirs et à la culture, à l’alphabétisation et à l’informatique, aux activités artistiques et sportives, aux sorties et aux vacances, le Secours populaire est devenu un acteur important de la lutte contre l’exclusion.

Aux éditions deux-cent-cinq
Format 17 × 23 cm
Pages 36 pages

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Catalogue d'exposition​​​​​​​
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2
  • Exposition Logo 2