Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2023
On Saturday September 16 and Sunday September 17, 2023, the 40th edition of the European Heritage Days will be held. The Ministry of Culture and its partners are mobilizing to give everyone the opportunity to meet, share, learn and marvel together.
On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September, from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., ppush the door of the musée de l'imprimerie et de la Communication graphique and discover the many activities that will be offered to you there, access to the museum will be free and open to all :
Self-guided and commented tour of the RVB exhibition
Take advantage of these JEP 2023 to visit our temporary exhibition RVB - Rouge Stephen King Vert Véronèse Bleu Maggie Nelson !If you haven't had the chance yet, hurry: the exhibition will close its doors to the public from Sunday evening, September 17!
How does the eye perceive color? Additive, subtractive syntheses, frames, paint, pigments: alongside a return to the formation of these colors, their social and political roles, let's explore the worlds of three artists to shed aesthetic and emotional light on the whole: Stephen King, Véronèse and Maggie Nelson.
You will discover - among others - the legend of the dragon, the figures of the rose and the wave, the work of the architect designer Sara de Gouy, the visual artist Camille Boillot, a panorama graphic design in Leipzig, Germany, and children's work around colors and emotions.
Throughout these two days, take advantage of the presence of a mediator who will offer you "flash visits", comments on works, and can answer all your questions!

Free visit and focus on the collections of the MICG !
The museum offers a heritage and artistic look at an original technique, printing, used by everyone.
The musée de l'Imprimerie et de la Communication graphique gives you landmarks, historical, aesthetic, technical by immersing you in the birth and evolution of printing since the Renaissance. A living heritage that gives meaning to the technological changes we are experiencing.
Along the permanent route, discover printed treasures, from the Gutenberg Bible to the first "advertisements", from the first newspapers to large-format lithographic posters.
During your visit, come and meet our colleagues in charge of collections and exhibitions, who will show you some major pieces and go behind the scenes of their work!

Discovery of the typographic workshop, treasure of the museum
Come and discover a traditional printing workshop with its characters, its cases and its printing presses!
On the occasion of these JEP 2023, Sabina Saunière, mediator, is preparing a set of typographic compositions that will allow you to make your own printing on one of our press
Demonstration every 30 minutes

Demonstration of engraving techniques
Have you always wanted to know what an intaglio, a gouge, a drypoint, a chisel is but never dared to ask? Françoise Allex, visual artist, will be present in the permanent exhibition rooms to answer you during a demonstration of her know-how in engraving techniques. She will adapt her presentation and her speech for young and old!
Continuous until 5:30 p.m.

Presentation of the artistic project "Operation Messages"
Come and enjoy a restitution to the public of the second year of the "Operation Messages" project in connection with the hospital of Fourvière and the theater company les ArTpenteurs.
These JEP 2023 will be an opportunity to present "Operation Messages", a transgenerational project funded as part of the Culture & Health system and bringing together the gerontological hospital of Fourvière, the ArTpenteurs company and the musée de l’Imprimerie et de la Communication graphique.
Discover the mini exhibition on the correspondence written by the patients of the hospital and graphically formatted on the presses of the typographic workshop of the museum.
From 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday September 16, come and listen to a reading of a selection of these touching letters by Patrice Vandamme, of the theater company les ArTpenteurs and artistic director of the project.

A vous de jouer !
Prenez part à une œuvre participative et collective sur ces deux jours. Avec l'artiste plasticienne Rozenn Le Gall, choisissez, découpez, assemblez, collez des fragments de papiers colorés pour construire un puzzle géant allant du rouge au bleu en passant par le vert !
Dans la cour et dans l'espace des collections permanentes, retrouvez deux photomatons pour vous tirer le portrait et repartir chez vous avec un souvenir de votre passage au musée. Vert de rage ? Rouge de colère ? Vous pourrez même fabriquer vos propres accessoires et jouer des émotions liées aux couleurs. Un seul mot d'ordre : s'a-musée !